Time To Talk TFMR
Helping you to own your termination for medical reasons (TFMR) experience. Whether facing a decision of TFMR or having undergone a TFMR, this podcast is here to support you through your journey. We will have guests every episode who either work with women and families around TFMR or who have directly experienced TFMR themselves. This is a podcast to talk about the complexities of TFMR and all the area‘s of life it effects. We want this to be a place of safety, compassion and hope.
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
TFMR: Roe v Wade Special Episode
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Welcome, hello and thank you for listening.
We've brought this episode together very quickly and I'm grateful to all of our guests for jumping on to this with me at short notice.
My guests are:
Jane Armstrong @TFMRsocialworker (Instagram) based in Texas
Melanie Zamenhof @mzamenhof (Instagram) based in New York
Claire Cullen @TFMR_Ireland based in Ireland
We are talking about our stories, how we feel about the overturning of Roe vs Wade, what impact this has for TFMR parents and what we can do about it.
If you are in one of the states with trigger laws, here are some abortion funds/providers that can help you (all handles are for Instagram):
Arkansas: Arkansas Abortion Support Network @arkansas_abortion_support
Idaho: Northwest Abortion Access Fund @nwaafund
Kentucky: Kentucky Health Justice Network @kyhealthjustice
Louisiana: New Orleans Abortion Fund @neworleansabortionfund
Mississippi: Mississippi Reproduction Freedom Fund @mrff_funds_abortions
Missouri: Missouri Abortion Fund @moabortionfund
North Dakota: ND WIN Abortion Access Fund @ndwinfund
Oklahoma: Roe Fund @roefund
South Dakota: Justice Through Empowerment Network @jenetwork605
Tennessee: Abortion Care for Tennessee @abortioncaretn
Texas: Lilith Fund @lilithfund
Utah: Utah Abortion Fund @utabortionfund
Wyoming: Chelsea's Fund @chelseafund
Nati Network of Abortion Funds @abortionfunds
For TFMR specific support:
UK: Antenatal Results and Choice
USA: Ending a Wanted Pregnancy
The other podcast I mention about 'Moral Certitude', which I would highly recommend we all listen to - is called Hidden Brain and the episode is called 'Moral Combat', find it here
Lastly, I hope this episode brings some focus for the rage and despair that is being felt out there right now.
I hope this inspires you to tell you full stories, honestly and openly. The more that we can honestly talk about abortion, in all it's nuances, the better in my opinion.
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
TFMR: No More Living Children
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
In today's episode we hear from Janelle Ramsey. Janelle is a befriender for SANDS Leeds and runs a support group for parents who, for them, their baby who died is there last child.
This could either be because a decision has been made to stop trying for children (or more living children), or the decision has been made for them due to medical negligence, for example.
Janelle is a TFMR parent herself and while she was seeking support after her loss, she thought of the idea of setting up a group for those that find themselves not going on to have a subsequent live pregnancy. The conversations around trying to conceive and pregnancy after loss are important, but it can leave those who aren't heading down these paths feeling isolated and lonely.
For more information and to join their group, contact Janelle at support.leeds@sands.org
Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMR
Email is TalkTFMR@yahoo.com
This episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.
We've added a Patron account to the podcast. We'd be so grateful if you'd consider supporting the podcast with a monthly donation. Pledges start at only $1 per month. Head to our Podbean page and click on the 'Become a Patron' button at the top right to learn more.
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
TFMR: Well-being
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Thursday Jul 28, 2022
Today we're speaking with Lucy Livesey again, all about well-being, including mindfulness meditation, for those going through baby loss.
Lucy is a mental health nurse, hypnobirthing instructor, mindfulness teacher. She and her husband Rick lost their daughter, Ellie, in a TFMR a few years ago.
After her experience, she went on to develop the Ellie's Gift App as a resource for others to help them through the birth of a baby they know has died, or will die.
The app has been developed in conjunction with the NHS. It has just had a new launch with more features. Lucy is dedicated to making sure this app keeps on being updated and added to.
You can find the app from Apple and Android now.
Lucy also runs a specific mindfulness and grief courses, all free to use. She also runs baby loss sharing circles - again free.
She tells us about all the different resources she's offering, from the app to her sharing circles. What they are, how they work and why they can help.
And the Japanese art form of repairing broken pottery with liquid gold is called...Kintsugi (you'll just have to listen to the episode to find out why we're talking about this!).
Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMR
Email is TalkTFMR@yahoo.com
This episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.
We've added a Patron account to the podcast. We'd be so grateful if you'd consider supporting the podcast with a monthly donation. Pledges start at only $1 per month. Head to our Podbean page and click on the 'Become a Patron' button at the top right to learn more.
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
TFMR: Friendship
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Hello! And welcome to Season 6!
Today's episode is all about how our friends can support us through TFMR and beyond.
We're really grateful to Jess and Atiya for coming on and discussing their experience so openly.
This is a really moving episode about how friendship can be such a powerful support for those facing this terrible loss.
Get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMR
Email is TalkTFMR@yahoo.com
This episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.
We've added a Patron account to the podcast. We'd be so grateful if you'd consider supporting the podcast with a monthly donation. Pledges start at only $1 per month. Head to our Podbean page and click on the 'Become a Patron' button at the top right to learn more.
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
TFMR: Disability & Abortion
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Hello, and welcome to today's episode.
Our guest is Mara Clarke. Mara is an abortion activist, mum and disabled woman. She founded Abortion Support Network which supports those who need to travel for an abortion from across Europe.
We discuss Channel 4's documentary titled Disability and Abortion: The Hardest Choice, aired at the end of the summer.
Does ending a pregnancy due to detected fetal abnormality amount to disability discrimination? No, of course not. Once again, this is a case of trying to simplify a complex and nuanced situation.
Mara and I then get into deeper conversations about abortion, what it means to be pro-choice, how TFMR intersects with all of this, etc, etc.
It's a rich and fast moving conversation, hold on to your seats folks!
And I will say, listen to your instincts about whether to listen to this episode or not. I am very aware of what the word abortion can bring up for TFMR parents, and we use it a lot in this episode.
You can find Mara on Instagram @mara.k.clarke and Abortion Support Network @abortionsupportnetwork
If you do listen, get in touch and let us know what you think. Social media: Instagram and Facebook @TimeToTalkTFMR and Twitter @TalkTFMR
Email is TalkTFMR@yahoo.com
This episode is supported by Antenatal Results and Choices. For more information on how they support women and couples click here or call them on 0207 713 7486.
We've added a Patron account to the podcast. We'd be so grateful if you'd consider supporting the podcast with a monthly donation. Pledges start at only $1 per month. Head to our Podbean page and click on the 'Become a Patron' button at the top right to learn more.
Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR) has for far too long been left in the shadows of the baby loss conversations. This podcast (the first and only one to talk solely about TFMR) has been created to shine a light and help break the silence surrounding this subject. We bring you a new guest every week who either has lived experience of TFMR or who works with those who've experienced it.
Our aim is to inform, educate and of course, help you feel less alone and isolated - You Are Not Alone.